The concept was to create a Press to publish people who would be reading at the month long poetry festival,
Bardfest99. That didn't exactly play out as we had imagined but what did was a publishing entity that did publish work of some of the poets who had been the driving forces behind the festival. Dianne Miller's "I'm Not Finished Yet" was the first collection brought out. That was in 1999.
While the poetry festival succeeded beyond our wildest imaginings, the co-founders of Plan B Press had concerns beyond those of printing books. Dianne had a family and stevenallenmay had a zillion other projects to begin. There would be Bardfest2000, Lebanon Poetry Project, Lancaster Poets Out Loud (Dianne Miller with Terri Durden primary organizers), Bardfest2001, and scores of individual and group readings and events across Central Pennsylvania.
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